size guide

Clothes sizing is a thorny beast at the best of times, but particularly tricky when trying to convert sizes across countries. The below guide includes pretty much all women’s global sizing variables. Hopefully helpful!

A few additional notes:
– DE (Denmark) sizing is used across all Scandinavian countries including Sweden and Norway
– Australian sizing is equivalent to UK sizing
– ‘Label’ refers to international sizing and is (randomly) used by brands across the world so isn’t indicative of any specific country’s approach to size labelling
– FR (French)/ ES (Spain) sizing is often referred to as EU sizing. But be careful – so is Scandi sizing referred to as EU, so you need to know your label’s country of origin to land on the right size
– Some countries’ sizes typically run small e.g. France tends to be petite, whereas others run big e.g. US.
– It’s also worth considering the average height of the citizens of a country e.g. Scandi & Netherlands brands tend to be designed with tall people in mind, whereas Spain caters for shorter women
– Finally, a few brands go off piste and disregard the above, doing their own thing entirely. We can’t help you on those!